Thursday, September 29, 2011

And again

It has been a good few years now, since I have written in this blog. Since my past post, I have thought much about what it means to live, why just sometimes, life is so hard. Life truly is a delicate negotiation. Each choice that one makes affects all outcomes of future choices, be it have toast for breakfast, or which college should I go to. Hopefully, these choices that you make will have a positive outcome, or one that seems to produce happiness. We often take the choices that we make for granted, though they may be small, still play major roles. The string theory thing says that with every choice, and alternate universe is created. This means that every choice has the potential to create billions upon billions of alternate universe, wow, that is just mind blowing.

Well this may all seem serious, the choices that should be made are those that affect your happiness. Everyone should always choose something that would make yourself happy. Happiness leads to a distinct aura that surrounds and spreads. Take those thoughts into consideration.


  1. wow, i can't believe you've posted again! i've been lazy too but i'm trying to start again. I hope to read more from you Ray. Nice post btw, though i don't know how different my universe would be if i choose no breakfast at all. lol

  2. I can't believe you posted again either! That's some deep stuff right there. And I didn't know that string theory meant that.
