Thursday, March 4, 2010


A negotiation is required for two or more parties to attain minimum loss. How would this work if you were going to negotiate with something intangible? My interpretation of this would be in the choices we make. Every choice we make has a different outcome, cherry or apple pie? double shot espresso or decaf? Some physicist believe that every choice we make may create an alternate dimension. These alternate dimensions maybe well be alternate universes. This would be the string theory. Back to negotiation, it is often hard to make choices, sometimes you can not make a choice, but it must be done. Later you wish you could have done something over, or even not done it at all. These decisions may well be things that you will regret later on. Just remember that the past can not be changed, no matter how you wish, even with black magic. What I hope you will take from this is to be careful in making your decisions, or,just don't worry about the past , just live in the moment. Time will go by and you may not have had as much fun as you could have.

Life is a delicate negotiation, what will you do?

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